Saturday, April 17, 2010

The freak shall inherit the earth (or, you know, a couple city blocks)

Okay, so here I am trying once again to exercise my writing muscles. Recently I got onto Twitter and as a result I’ve been following a variety of smart, interesting, funny blogs and it’s got me feeling all inspired. This isn’t my first blog, I also have a food blog (mostly to get me to write down and share the recipes I make up) and a life coaching blog where I wax eloquent about parenting and such. So I suppose it seems silly to be starting yet another blog, especially when my other blogs have a total of about twelve readers. But both of those have very specific intentions. Second Wind is very specifically where ‘Life Coach Kristin’ blogs. While I do get into some personal stuff, it’s all within the context of parenting and largely from a coaching perspective. It’s my place to share my own experiences and insights related to parenting and to let people know what I’m all about as a Life Coach. The more I read all these other great blogs (check out that blog list on the side!!) the more I found myself wanting to write some more personal, non-parenting stuff. I want to be able to be crass and opinionated, creative and weird. In short, this one is all for me. I make no promises as to frequency, regularity or quality. All I can promise is the unexpurgated me. So…to start off on a bad(pun) note…..”Let there be write” (I can hear you groaning already).

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